Sunday, February 05, 2006

Power Gaming

Some feats and powers are potentially game unbalancing or just too good for the cost.
PCs will need to justify them: conceptually and by game balance, before I allow them.
Game balance will need to show why they are 'needed' to keep the character competitive, rather than why they are good to have.

Evasion 1 - Cheap and easy way to make a character semi-invulnerable to area attacks.
Evasion 2 - Ditto, only totally invulnerable.
Improved Grapple - Two attacks per round! (Not for characters with powerful melee attacks)
Power Extra - Aura - Two attacks per round! (Not for characters with powerful melee attacks)
Power Extra - Linked (In general I will add the save modifier together for PL purposes)
Save Drains - I am considering making these more costly or require more time.
ESP - I may make Mental Grapple more difficult.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you mean Improved Grab? That's the annoying one.

I'm right with you on the drains and particularly mental grapple. Aura, shudder.

My reaction to save drains might be knee-jerk. After all if you fail a Fort save, an attack could have just taken you out (stun, fatigue, etc) instead of softening you up.

Watch out for autofire and boost too. Particularly boost. Autofire is fine but it's one way to make a more expensive power and get more damage. It's like power attack after the fact.

7:27 AM  
Blogger Scholz said...

Autofire should be fine with the APC since for 20pp you can either have a rank 10 blast, or rank 6 Autofire (up to rank 9).
I will definitely red flag boost as well...

6:02 PM  

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